Monday, June 7, 2010

the crazies...

I have had a few nervous break downs. All that crap with Claire and how it was never ending really REALLY was eating at me to the point that I was livid with everyone. from Kelli (who I haven't even spoken to---because she hasn't thought to speak to me! how silly is that!?) all the way to my Hubby (who I would get mad at if he looked at me funny) to myself (I know this is stupid to be so mad! Why am I so mad!? why can't I stop being so mad!?!?) and even to Claire at times (I spanked her! I don't believe in spanking!). I think being prego just added to it and I am still going through it, but my hubby took me on a much need vacation last weekend and then this weekend my mother in law stole Claire and took her to Colorado for a week. I'm trying to focus on being relaxed and letting things go.

Apparently I can't win the perfect mom/wife/woman/daughter/aunt/anything contest. Which I never entered, but gosh it would be nice to be that way!


Lauren said...

I think you of all people can be expected to have some crazy moments with all that you've had to put up with. And there isn't anyone out there that can win a perfect award. Even if they look that way on the outside, they aren't. So cut yourself some slack girl and try to stop stressing out, or you'll have a premie. (Trust me on that one...)

Missy said...

Remember how you're pregnant and that you've dealt with more than your fair share of trials lately? I give you permission to fly off the handle :).
I think you are amazing, for the record. You are in my prayers, Deb. Hang in there!

Marissa said...

I think you have many reasons to be stressed! Hopefully things are calming down for you and you are getting ready for number 2! Having two is so wonderful/crazy/hard/blissful all at once!