Saturday, November 12, 2011


There is a woman at a store that we use often who has a laugh...

An interesting laugh...

So, the story goes, we were in said store when Nick noticed Matthew had an 'eye bugger'. Matthew does not like to have his face 'picked' so I turn to Nick laughing out loud to see what happened. Nick was 'picking' at this 'eye bugger' when Matthew decided that he didn't like it. He squaked and squinched up his face, then took his pointer finger and jabbed at Nick's eyeball saying "Eye! Eye! Eye!"

After Nick told this adorable story of Matthew standing up for himself, I laughed out loud. Nick and I continued to glance at each other and laugh out loud again and again.

Low and behold, this woman of previous mention is heard laughing...from about 500 meters away.

Claire turns to me and says, "Momma! That girl laughs like you!"

So, Nick and I decided to ask. We recorded this woman's laughter by drawing her into conversation. She was ready and willing. I don't know if she recognized me from when I worked there years ago, but she is absolutely hard to forget, so I will always remember. But she totally told me some very personal things, keeping this upbeat, uproarious laughter at the same time.

Check it out and vote!


tawnya said...


tawnya said...

Um...I mean...I totally don't know who that is!

deb sorensen said...


I have developed a love for her...but it took like 5 years. She really is one of the most upbeat people I've ever known. I sometimes need to take a page from her book...

Other times, I groan inwardly. Especially when my daughter tells me I sound like her! AGH!

tawnya said...

I'm clearly just a horrible person. But no. I don't think she sounds like you!

deb sorensen said...

LOL! Sorry dear. That's absolutely not you...That's like calling being reasonable being horrible.

did that come out at all?

Lora said...

Your laugh is definitely more musical. Much easier on the ears. the end.