Thursday, November 11, 2010

true love...

Claire is in the bathtub, Matthew is having tummy time and I am doing my hair...I hear Claire singing and splashing in the tub and finally say, "I love you!" and I respond in kind. She keeps saying it and I finally look over and realize...She's talking to her rubber ducky!


tawnya said...

I vaguely remember Sammy telling Momo "I love you" before he ever said it to me. Broke my heart completely...

Joe and Jessica Elmer said...

hahaha! That is hilarious!

bex said...

So cute! Addy was playing with our rubber duckys in the bath, we have regular size and two teeny ones and she kept saying "hi mom" and i kept saying hi babe, then everytime she would giggle and say I was talking to the ducky mom. (as if she was the little duck talking to its mom). but i kept forgetting she was playing,and everytime I would respond:)