Wednesday, October 27, 2010

little momma...

yesterday, we had dinner with some good friends that had moved away. Claire was a riot to watch. Matthew had everyone captivated with his charm. I thought I'd share a little scene:

6 adults, 4 kids (Claire, Matthew, Miles---18 months and Jayne---2 1/2 years)

it's about bedtime for all the kids. Miles is laughing and happy, but a little whinney from being tired. Jayne is exhausted (from travel) and lays down on the ground and just whines. Poor kids.

Que Claire:

"Ohhhh, sad!" Claire brings Jayne her blanket.

"Feel better?" Claire FORCES Jayne to drink from her sipper.

Jayne does.

Claire steals blanket, Jayne cries.

"Claire, give it back. It's hers. You can ask her if she will share, but please give it back."

Claire lays down next to Jayne and tries to cover herself and Jayne up with TINY blanket. Claire wraps arms around Jayne. "It's all right, Son." (that's what I say to Matthew when he's crying) Pats her back.

Night continues on with Claire being a mother to all those involved. I had no idea kids had such maternal instincts!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

It must be a little girl thing...