Thursday, February 12, 2009

note on hubbies...

I have the best one ever. and no, no one can argue with me on this. He is after all, mine. There are no substitutions or refunds (thank goodness). I came home yesterday from an overly long week to find a clean house, a mostly made bed (10 notches above hubby's standard---he hates to make the bed!) and this:

who could ask for anything more? (make sure you sing that when you read it!)


TammeNBen said...

What a sweet surprise. Aren't hubby' wonderful?

theferrisoneofall said...

Yay for HuBbYs!!

theferrisoneofall said...

So, I have a comment for your Poll. How in the heck are we supposed to respond when you slam us with a BAZILLION posts in one morning? Not that I am complaining. I have been quite entertained! :)