Can't imagine what this stuff tastes like, but it sure smells awful!!! Poor Claire, no wonder she didn't want to eat it.
Claire's four month check up was today! 95% for height, 40% for her weight and 75% for head. The WIC office did it for her on Monday and said that she was 80% for height, 20% for weight and 60% for head. I've come to realize that it is all so subjective. She was such a sweety! when those mean nurses stuck her with multiple needles, she screamed initially and then Daddy picked her up and she quieted down to a low whimper. I hate those moments. I could barely watch...she was so brave. She even gave the nurses a smile on their way out the door. I have the best baby! I don't think I could be nurse...I would hate to HAVE to make a baby intentionally cry. And then have to deal with crazy parents who look at them like they did this maliciously! Good work, nurses...thanks for taking care of our kids in a way I can't stomach.
I need to start writing down the conversations Nick has with her. They are the funniest sentiments. His phrasing is key and I wish I could remember one in specific right now, but I will start remembering because I know I get a kick out of them and I would love to have knowledge of the things my daddy said to me as I was a baby so I'm sure Claire would love it, too.
I have started doing coupon clipping. Can I tell you a few of the deals that I got this week? Oh, good...thanks. Dove shampoos and conditioners were $.17 per bottle. Carnation evaporated milk for FREE!!! Vitamin water for FREE! Salad dressings for $.09. All laundry detergent for $.67 per bottle. Can I tell you that I feel like even though I only work a little bit each week, this saves us so much money that I feel like I have a part time job. I spent $38 on groceries that should have cost me close to $300!!!!
I also wanted to mention my take on immunizations...there is a lot of hype about them right now...leads to autism, etc...My biggest reason for doing it: Missionaries have to have them before they turn in their mission papers. I don't know what that means exactly...but that makes me feel more comfortable making that decision. If people have other opinions or knowledge, I would really enjoy furthering my education on the subject.