Wednesday, May 9, 2012

our chunky...

Holy Moly. Chunky is currently at Primary Childrens Hospital in SLC. We came for his tonsils and adnenoids removal, replacement of his clogged ear tubes, a broncosopy and a trachosocpy. The awesome ENT doc here (Park) had to dig out huge ear infections, drain his sinuses, and then found his treacea is too small and he secretions consistant with asthma. We are still here, three days later, because his oxygen level is struggling and we cant get him to drink. This is nothing like the worry we felt with Claire when she had all her drama two years ago, but we still think we could live with out all this drama. Chunky is a trooper and we love him so much. We hope he starts to turn that corner today. We have high hopes. He drank about two ounces this morning with a lot of prompting and constant nagging and pressure, but what are mothers for? Nick has the flu and Claire is still recovering from her own drama of tonsils, adenoids, and ear tibes last Thursday. She was a lucky duck and had Gramma Rosi and Grampa Bill take her for a night. She wasnt feeling so hot, and niether was Grampa, so she came back up to us. At the last minute at Grampas house, the cat scratched Claire right on the face. Big boody scratches, silly cat. Claire says she was just petting the cat, but I wasnt there to know if there was any provocation. We are doing fine, just a lot of lottle drama all at once. We hope to go home soon.


Lora said...

So the cat scratch, that's just kind of mean right. Like everything else wasn't enough! I hope this day goes better. I hope Nick gets better SOON! and I hope Matthew gets hydrated and back to his smiley self and you get some down time! Sheesh!

tawnya said...

Ditto to Lora. Here's hoping for the tide to change and you to be home SOON. We will all be thinking and praying for you tonight!

Missy said...

Your poor babies!!! (sick grumpas and dads included) good golly, Deb. I'm so sorry!! My prayers are still with you. PCH is awesome and they'll be good to your nugget.
Hang in there! (insert kitty poster here)

TammeNBen said...

When it rains it pours. Sorry its pouring right now. Wish we were closer and could help lighten your load. Hope everyone gets better really soon!

Adam and Shari Crawford said...

Oh, Deb.... I'm SO sorry you're dealing with 1,000 things right now! We'll add our prayers to the other and hope that the other side of this comes into view soon. Love you TONS, lady :)

bex said...

Wow, wish I had seen this sooner! I could have brought you food/entertainment in the hospital, or at least come by to say hi. Glad it's over with, hope he is doing well now!