Monday, May 21, 2012


Sitting there listening to the doc right after Chunky's surgery, i was laughing. if i had been describing these things, I would have done them very different. my family is a family of exaggerators. If we tell a story, no matter what it is, we have huge gestures, different voices, loud voices and silly facial expressions. So it was funny to have Dr Park explain things:

Dr: So, ah, Matthew had significant swelling behind his ear drums. We removed the, ah, adenoids, which were, ah, abnormally large...

Nick: How large is 'abnormally large'?

Dr: Well, if I were to ah, put it on a scale? Hmmm, ah, from 1-10? They ah, were ah, probably about ah, 10. And his tonsils were about a ah, about ah, a 10.

While this is scary that his adenoids and tonsils were on a large scale, especially because he is only 1, blocking his nasal passages for BREATHING and his tonsils further escalating the problem and not only breathing but eating, too. The funny part to me, is if that had been a member of my family telling that story, it would have gone something like this:

Dr (that is a Mathews): So, ah, Matthew's tonsils were the size of a MAC TRUCK and the interstate was so crowded with the two of them that it was like is was down to two lane with construction speed but those Macs NEEDED to get to the produce store to store thier produce in a very short amount of time, so they were speeding like there was no tomorrow and ran head into each other, creating a road construction worker to let only one lane of traffic through at a time. It's a good thing we had the Jaws of Life to help clear the wreckage...

Us Mathews, we might be a bit heavy on the drama.

1 comment:

Lora said...

Ha! Love it, the exaggeration part. and LOVE that this means your little adorable guy can breathe!! woo-hoo! Hopefully this will solve things for him. :)