Tuesday, January 20, 2009

cuts and bruises...

I knew they were coming...and they have arrived...beyond the fingernail scratches, Claire has decided that it's so much fun to whack herself in the face! The poor girl has a cut on her lip from such a whacking...I wasn't there when it happened, but it did and all I can think about are the ones that are coming...I don't want to encourage her to 'be tough', but I don't want her to be a mamsy-pamsy, either...hmmm...a thought for another day, I'm sure...

I was just putting her down for a nap when she turned her face toward mine, and in her delirious state, decided that my cheek looked appetizing because she started to suck on it as if it had some nutritional value...I started to laugh, she woke up a bit and was not happy that I had stopped her from finishing her 'meal'...

She's started giving kisses! I told her I wanted to give her a kiss and she turned to my mouth, opened hers and laid a big wet one on me! cutie...

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I figure that if Josh is like his daddy, uncles or cousins, I have plenty of trips to the ER and stitches to look forward to later in his life. Maybe I should be like my sister-in-law and learn how to sew up stitches myself...